strtgst is now space to grow

strtgst is now space to grow •

Curated programs and community to make your work/life more intentional, meaningful, and expansive.

Why do we exist?

We exist to help people step into new paths and ways of working. For people who worked so hard to get to where they are but it’s no longer serving them. For people who don’t quite fit into a “linear path” and are eager to question the default. For people who want to live a little more and not bow down to toxic hustle. For people who are seeking their next chapter. 

With paradigm shifts in tech and culture, people want more autonomy, meaning and make the impact that matters to them. We exist to question the default, and show that it’s possible to work on our own terms, with an evolving set of tools. We help people look inward for alignment, outward for inspiration, and sideways for support from peers in various stages of their journeys. 

We make space to grow in directions that are intentional, meaningful, and expansive.

We make space to





We make space to


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Current programs & media

🎒freelance starter pack🎒

a dope 10-week program for you to start making a living on your own terms

More details here!

5to9 podcast

A podcast for people for who are seeking inspiration and aspire to work on their own terms.

Coming in July

Summer program coming soon

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